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Friends Photo Album

Here are some pictures of my friends.


This is Eugene...someone who I have a lot of respect for. He is insanely talented and an over all great guy. I miss being able to see him weekly at MMA.


The ever so funny Anthony..."Snow tires, more like blow tires...:P"


This is Islay (Eye-lah, not Is-lay) on prom...so beautiful :)


This is Fraea...she is quite beautiful, and I love her dark aura.


This is my "little" cousin Jordon...little as in 11.5 months younger. He is a crazy 6'7". Good ol' Jordon.


Kaleena...a crazy person!!! Lol...but really considerate and cool. A true blue friend. Thanks man.


This is Dan. He is awesome. He is a really talented musician, and extremely funny. Also, he has the most awesome leather pants!


This is my best friend Booty...she may also be known as Lissy-Loo or more commonly Lisa. She's my best friend, my wife and most likely the better half of the D.D.


Claudiu...my friend from Romania. He is very funny, and quite cute!


This is Stacie and her boyfriend Derek (Derek right, not Darryl?). She is my oldest friend. Even though I met her when I was five...and lived in a million places since...13 years later...here we are.

If any of my friends have their own web sites, I might include links to them here.